Acupuncture Therapy
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient approach to complementary medicine, with its roots in China. Documents describing the practice date back to the first century BCE, while some believe archaeological evidence points to a much earlier origin, possibly as early as 8,000 years ago.
Acupuncture involves inserting small, specialised needles into problematic muscles and tissue. Contrary to popular belief, Acupuncture is not painful! Instead, it's most valued as a method for pain relief.
Book today! >Pain relief
Results from a number of studies show that acupuncture may help ease types of pain that are often chronic, such as low-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain. Some research suggests that it also may help reduce the frequency of tension headaches and prevent migraine headaches
Our Therpists
We offer acupuncture in a safe, clean and regulated environment, practiced by qualified staff – given that acupuncture involved the use of needles, a professional environment is an absolute essential.