Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger points are tiny knots that develop in a muscle when it is injured or overworked. When muscles and connective tissue contract, nodules or lumps can be felt under the skin, these are incredibly sensitive to pain when pressure is applied. Pressure on these points can often send referred pain to other areas of the body causing joint pain, headaches, neck pain and lower back pain.
Trigger point therapy is a technique in which trigger points undergo a cycle of isolated pressure and release, and can result in a drastic reduction in pain.
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Trigger point therapy is great for anyone experiencing frequent pain. After treatment, pain can be significantly reduced and receiving treatment on a regular basis can help reduce pain and stress from chronic injuries and everyday life.
What to expect
Trigger point therapy can be provided as a standalone treatment but is often integrated with a sports massage or Swedish massage session. Trigger point therapy can provide rapid results especially in reducing referred pain.